31 01, 2018

Spring half term

By |2018-01-31T16:54:46+00:00January 31st, 2018|Activities, News|

Hi everyone, unfortunately the rain keeps coming and the land gets wetter and wetter but there's nothing we can do but keep paddling on! We have 2 half terms coming up-12-18th Feb and 19-25th. We will be running an All [...]

11 12, 2017

Christmas at Fir Tree

By |2017-12-11T15:49:06+00:00December 11th, 2017|Activities, News|

Hi everyone, i just thought that i would drop you a line about what is happening over the next few weeks. Next Saturday is our Christmas party-two hours of fun for all riders and none riders. The cost is £25 [...]

17 07, 2017


By |2017-07-17T16:10:22+00:00July 17th, 2017|News, Special Offers|

Summer holidays are upon us and we have lots of activities lined up for customers both new and old. One of our main attractions this year is our 'HIRE A PONY FOR A WEEK' It only costs £50 , yes [...]

26 04, 2017


By |2022-11-07T08:04:06+00:00April 26th, 2017|News|

We have four colts, Eddy, Angus, Loki and Willow and three fillies, Kizzy, Kitty and Blossom, all 1- 21/2 years of age. We hope to back Kizzy and Willow this year, but all the rest will wait until spring [...]

19 04, 2017

Be prepared for your first riding lesson

By |2022-11-07T08:04:06+00:00April 19th, 2017|News|

Be prepared for your first riding lesson. What will you need? Girls-leggings (comfy trousers) and wellies or hiking boots. Boys-Comfy trousers and underwear and wellies or hiking boots. We hire out hats at £1 a session. No bright or noisy clothing [...]

23 11, 2016

Mothers and Toddler Groups

By |2022-11-07T08:04:07+00:00November 23rd, 2016|Activities, News|

  We are hoping to start Mothers and Toddlers groups throughout the week next year and would love some ideas and input. We would like pre-school groups and run separately nursery groups. Whilst mums/carers can sit and have a drink [...]

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