Purdy is a 15.3, 12 year old Warmblood X mare.
She is out of Millthyme Luksus and Millthyme Courages.
She has recently come to our yard ( 8/3/17) as the owner had lost interest in her. (she has had her for 11 years)
I am not sure how long she had been out of work before our purchase, but she was very good to ride and behave very well.
Her paces are amazing and with a little schooling i think dressage is definitely her thing.
We have popped her over a fence and she shaped nicely, so we will pursue this avenue as well and keep you informed of her development.
She needs to put on weight and muscle but she is a really nice stamp of horse.
The date is now 17/7/17 and Purdy has come on in leaps and bounds (not literally!)
She is ridden in lessons, she hacks out alone ,she has been at Camp and had to deal with gymkhanas and bare back riding. She is really enjoying life and i am in no hurry to sell but but would like to find her a lovely home.